smart home product mobile app

visual design system
project overview
This is a mobile app designed to control all entertainment, lighting, environmental and security related products in the home. Savant is a leader in upmarket customized home automation and launched a line of mid-level consumer products. A team was assembled in NYC to create an intuitive control app to accompany the soon to be launched product line.
my contributions
Originally recruited as a member of the newly formed team to create icon and photography assets (creating and iterating a pixel-perfect icon set and retouching product and lifestyle images for digital and print), I took advantage of the collaborative open-office to pitch in on initial brainstorming sessions. This led to more invitations to contribute outside my initial role. While working with the development team, I implemented a platform-independent  automated asset delivery workflow and communicated specs to engineering. Other responsibilities grew to include gathering requirements and helping to formulate scope, translating designs from iOS to Android and desktop web, maintenance of a detailed component sheet (shown below) and assisting with user testing and q.a.
i created this detailed component sheet to communicate reusable modular elements with the engineering team
these hi-fidelity mockups were used to prototype a clickable onboarding demo
i iterated the design of the desktop "new password" screen for tablet and mobile
this is an example of how I marked-up the component sheet with specs for developers. the use of a twelve-point grid and column widths was instrumental in translating the original iOS designs to Android